Click on cartoon for full-sized version.
Stay tuned for an important (okay, not so much) message from your Minion Master, following the usual crass commercialism.
Check the sidebar to your right for our video trailer! A cool way to introduce your friends to the Minions! Send them here, or link directly to it on YouTube at the following URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDpDiP_LB20&eurl=&v3
"Where 'service' is our middle name according to our false-ID."
(Oh, come on. You know you want to be naughty!)
Join the Minions reminder email list or we will send a presidential candidate to kiss all your babies!* It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)
*Actually, we're just going to send the Penguin in a red-white-and-blue tie. We don't have the heart to tell him, that as a citizen of Antarctica, he isn't eligible to run. (Do you? Man, you ARE evil!)
A ship-wide announcement from your Minion Cruise Director:
Greetings, Relaxibots!
"Minions Under the Sea" month continues. We're off to California and the San Diego Comicon, and running our evil schemes by remote-control, so forgive any irregularities. However, all of July's Minion entertainment is lined up and ready to go, so there should be no interruption of service, just possible irregularities in scheduling.
If we get time, we'll post some pictures and reports from the field. You might also want to keep an eye on my writing blog or Chris's blog for stuff of that sort.
By the way, before leaving town, I finally finished adding tags to all the old posts. That means that if you take a fancy to a character or are looking for cartoons on a particular theme, just click on the appropriate tag after a post and see, for instance, all the cartoons with the Penguin in them, or all cartoons in the bar, or all concerning lunch. Just another way for you and your friends to browse and enjoy our ever-growing back-stock of cartoons...
Back at headquarters next week.
- Steve
1 comment:
What do you mean penguins don't have holidays?!! Whew! At least you didn't say fish-sticks are NOT a delicacy. I'd have been traumatized! :-)
Great 'toon, Steven!
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