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Monday, April 25, 2011

Minions #269 - Lost and Found

Click cartoon for even more bottomlessness!

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Greetings, Dusty Bones!

Not much to report this week.  Just a reminder that you can find a whole selection of ebooks by Your Minion Master and Mrs. Minion Master available through Tsunami Ridge Publishing.  They're available on all you favorite ebook outlets, including Amazon, Nook, Apple, Sony, Kobo, Smashwords and more!  Check them out today!
Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Minions #268 - Just Dew It!

Click Cartoon to Pop the Top on Bigness!

Greetings, Bald Spots!

Hey, you know what would make evil EVEN BETTER?  You could support Minions at Work by buying one of the fine products from

Doctor Head-in-a-jar's Nogginarium!

You can purchase a variety of custom-printed tee-shirts, buttons, mugs (our personal favorite), and other items.  Or, if this isn't your jar-of-tea, try one of our other fine Minions at Work stores:
Minions at Work's Lair of Merchandise
Number Two's House of Naughty

You can buy yourself (or give a gift of) something cool, and a bit of your purchase goes to support our efforts towards evil here at the lair.  Or you can just bypass the middleman and drop something in our tip jar through the donate button below.  We'd appreciate it.  That is, we'd appreciate it if we weren't EVIL!  Muh-hahahahah!
Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Minion #267 - A Paradox is Not a Pair

Go back in time and click on cartoon so it will already be big!

Greetings, Quantum Uncertainties!

Still without our main camera, so I've literally been going back in time to whip up some cartoon inventory.  So, forgive me if a couple of pictures in upcoming weeks look familiar....

Look, I'm CHEATING, okay!  It's EVIL!  EVIL is what we DO around here!  You got a problem with that, you're reading the wrong danged web comic!

Anyway, I've got enough comics to last for a few weeks here, which will let me focus on getting the camera fixed.  Of course, as always, your money makes everything go smoother.  Either I can use it to get the camera fixed if the warranty doesn't cover it, or I can just roll around in it to pass the time while waiting for it to come back from the shop!

So click the DONATE button below and give me your retirement fund.  Go on!  You know you want to!  The way things are going, what are the odds you're gonna live that long anyway?

                              = Your Minion Money-master, Steve

Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Minions #266 - General Disobedience (and a message on our "State of Emergency"

We COMMAND you to click on cartoon!

Greetings, Blind Being Led By the Blind!

Emergency!  We're running slightly late this week because we have a mild state of emergency here at the lair.  We're down a camera.

Canon PowerShot SX130IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 12x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom with 3.0-Inch LCDThis weekend Mrs. Minion Master, a.k.a. mystery-writer Christy Evans, had a signing at a local bookstore, and I took along my fairly new Canon Powershot SX-120IS to get some pictures.  The camera worked fine, and I returned to my car, put the camera in a case, put that on a car seat, and drove the 3 or so miles home.  When I got there I took it out, turned it on, and discovered the LCD was cracked.

How this happened, I haven't a clue.  The camera didn't get dropped, wasn't mishandled, and didn't even get bumped as far as I know (though it could have gotten bumped while in my coat pocket, it was pretty well padded in there, and if so, it wasn't hard enough for me to notice).  The cracks radiate out from the center bottom of the screen, and are only on the inner glass.  The outer glass, and the case under it, are completely unmarked.

The camera is still under warranty, but I have the feeling they're going to claim is isn't from a factory defect and I'm stuck.  We'll see.  I still have to call Canon and see what they say.  I've found a place on the web that quotes a flat price to replace the display for $70.  Since it's a fairly new camera that still sells for about $200, that sucks, but is worth it.

But either way, I'm down a camera for a while, probably at least a couple weeks with shipping and all.  And naturally this happens when I don't have any new cartoons in inventory.  What you're seeing this week is literally the dregs.

I've got my old Canon camera I could use as backup, but it's much lower resolution, and is going to be difficult to use with my current lighting set up (I don't use as much light as I used to, since the new camera doesn't need it).  And I hate to put a lot of work on setups that I'd probably want to recreate and shoot with the newer camera when it's available.  I even have some goofy ideas of using my phone camera for a couple of special cartoons (possibly shot "on location", and there's always the old trick of raiding my inventory looking for shots I can use (or reuse) with new gags.

Possibly you'll get a bit of all of that before my camera is repaired, so bear with me during this time of emergency.

Or, somebody (or somebodies) could just front me $200 for a new camera while I get this one fixed up as a more functional backup.  Yeah, I like that idea!  Get right on it.  Click the donate button down there and take care of it for me, would you?

- Your Camera Challenged Minion Master, Steve
Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!