Be sure to continue down for this week's BONUS Minions at Work cartoon!
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Check the sidebar to your right for our new video trailer! A new way to introduce your friends to the Minions! Send them here, or link directly to it on YouTube at the following URL:
Service with a smile! (Hey! He's wearing a gas-mask. Can you prove he isn't smiling?)
(It's only as bad as you think it is!)
Join the Minions reminder email list or we will blot out the sun*. It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)
*Actually, we're just going to send the Penguin to stalk you with a big, black, umbrella. Budget-cuts and all...
A big second-helping from the Lair's barbecue:
"Greetings, Minions off work..."
I hope you're having a good holiday weekend safe with friends and family, a last moment of domestic bliss before our plan of world domination is set in motion. Okay, not so much. Even the Overlords are taking the day off today.
But lets not forget the thousands of U.S. servicemen and women who don't know what a day off is lately, and a "day-on" means a full schedule of danger and adversity. I don't know if you guys are out there (what with the Pentagon pulling the plugs on so many sites on the questionable name of "bandwidth"), we love you guys, and want you all home safe ASAP. Keep your heads down, and we'll keep a steak in the freezer for when you get stateside.
Now, on the the usual Minions madness. Actually, it's unusual Minion madness, in that we're offering a double-dose of toons this week. Why? Well, it's the tradition of business to have special sales and clear out some overstock merchandise over the long weekend, and we're no different. Yup, I've found a Minions panel that's been hanging around the warehouse too long, and so I'm going to bend over backwards to make you a deal! Yes, two, TWO Minions cartoons for the price of one, and the price of one is FREE! Yes, friends, it doesn't get any better than that!
Oh, sure, you could reward out generosity by sharing "Minions at Work" with a friend, or by buying something from one of our Cafe Press shops, or buying one of our many books in print. But we wouldn't want to make you feel guilty or anything.
Not us.
Guilty, guilty, guilty!
Hey, anyway, hope I didn't get anybody down with last week's "layoff" theme. Being a Minion is about laughing in the face of adversity, and from what I hear, the workplace can sometimes be pretty adverse.
On another matter, if you aren't currently a member of our Minions at Work weekly reminder mailing list, then you can't vote in our "Favorite Minions Character" poll (of which I'm going to announce the results next week). Yep, the list has its own web page with polls, exclusive photo albums, behind-the-scenes goodies, and other exclusive content. Plus, you'll get a weekly notice in your mailbox to remind you about the latest Minions at Work cartoon posting. Never miss a cartoon. Don't miss the fun. Sign up today.
Well, we've strung you along quite enough. Enjoy our warehouse blowout, overstock, showroom sample, factory-second, mismatched-set, holiday bonus cartoon: