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Friday, November 06, 2015

While we're gearing up to the relaunch of Minions at Work 2.0, we've set up a test website to work on our new site design and figuring out the software. This is the first place that new content will be posted when it's available, and that will happen in advance of our "official" launch, at which point this domain will probably be redirected to the new site. Until then, the test site will see pretty much daily reposts of classic Minions at Work panels, along with all new commentary and bonus material. Also, we've just added "Meet the Minions" and "Meet the Overlords" pages, with bios and pictures of our characters. The Minions page is based on material from this site, but has been revised and expanded. The Overlord page is all new material, and hopefully, both will be fun reads for Minions at Work fans. Visit the test site at: Minions at Work Beta Test Site

We're also making regular updates to our Facebook page with behind-the-scenes information on Minions at Work 2.0. Minions at Work Facebook Group

Hope to see you there!

- Your Minion Master, Steve

Greetings, Overstocks and Factory Seconds!
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