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Stay tuned for an important (okay, not so much) message from your Minion Master, following the usual crass commercialism.
Check the sidebar to your right for our video trailer! A cool way to introduce your friends to the Minions! Send them here, or link directly to it on YouTube at the following URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDpDiP_LB20&eurl=&v3
"Where 'service' is our middle name according to our false-ID."
(Oh, come on. You know you want to be naughty!)
Join the Minions reminder email list or we will blot out the sun*. It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)
*Actually, we're just going to send the Penguin to stalk you with a big, black, umbrella. Budget-cuts and all...
A big blow of the ballast tanks from the Minion Master:
Greetings, Scurvy Crew. Welcome to Under the Sea Month, Maties!
Yes, it's the 4th of July week (Independence Day, for our non-U.S. friends), traditional time for all-manner of evil plots to be launched, and for the likes of Michael Bay and John McClane to kick evil's butt. In other words, it's a great month for a Minion to lay low. So we bring you, Minions Under the Sea Month!
Okay, I really hadn't intended to do a double-feature this week. Actually, I'm trying to build up inventory so I can coast through July, which is vacation and San Diego Comicon month. But the first in this series was "how to be a Minion #3," and I hadn't yet run "how to be a Minion #2," so I had to clear the tubes, so-to-speak. (By the way, the first in the "How to Be a Minion" series appeared way back in Minions #11, if you need a refresher.)
So stay tuned in the coming weeks, as we introduce new sets, a new Evil Overlord, and maybe one of the funniest panels ever. (Be warned, however, that we'll be traveling and busy through the end of the month, so things may occasionally post late or early, depending.)
Super stuff, Steve, and the new undersea set is FANTASTIC!!
Steve - wonderful as always. And the new undersea lair is great. Love all the attention to detail
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