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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Minions #297 - Big Deal

Click for Bigger Bargain!

Greetings, Limited Offers!

Yeah, it's that time of year again.  No, we're not ready either.

Stuff to do.  See you next week!

        - Minion Master Steve
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Minion #296 - Face the Facts

Click cartoon for clearer head!

Greetings, Face Suckers!

Just wanted to let you know about my holiday fantasy story, "A Holiday Explained" that just became free on Amazon's Kindle, and has since hit as high as #7 on their fantasy best-seller list!  Yes, this is the same darned fantasy story that's been freely available on the web and on other ebook stores for free all year, but this is the first time we've been able to offer it for free on Kindle, so there!  I just means that EVERYONE can get it free now!  Anyway, with the holidays coming, this is a good time for you to read it if you haven't yet.

Haven't got a Kindle yet?  Hey, you know you want one, maybe the new Kindle fire color tablet!  Do us a favor and click through one of our Amazon links here when you do.  We get a little cut on the transaction, and it will help to support your weekly "Minions at Work" fix.  Or just click that donate button down there and send us cash.  We LIKE cash!

- Steve

Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Minions #297 - Damaged Cargo

Click cartoon to enlarge cover-up!

Greetings, Overstocks and Factory Seconds!

To date, it's been pretty rare when we've done a cartoon that was at all topical or in any way political, but
I just built this nifty new Bridge for Cap'n Rehab's submarine, the "Naughtyless," and I desperately needed a joke to go with it.  And so many people, in politics, Hollywood, and elsewhere, have all at once stepped in it in one way or another, and are in need of a little image make-over.  Well, that's Cap'n Rehab's thing!  Cruising the crushing depths of ocean trenches, where only the most determined paparazzi will follow, the Cap'n is always ready with a well-aimed Valium torpedo, a crew of hard-working reputation-swabbers, and a treasure-chest full of questionable therapies to turn around the public functions of any person who is even marginally famous.  So he, there are times he's just going to steer for a topical port-of-call.  That's just how he rolls.  Deal with it.

- See you guys next week,
  Mental Minion Master, Steve
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Monday, November 07, 2011

Minions #296 - He's a Mandarin-eater!

Click for more soy sauce!

Greetings, Broken Fortune Cookies!

Some weeks it's easier than others to come up with a joke for a new cartoon.  Sometimes we spend hours researching the web, looking for just the right word to close out the punch line of an especially sophisticated fart joke.  And other weeks, like this one, we just dive into our almost frighteningly-diverse prop department and go to our silly place.  Sometimes the silly place is better.  You be the judge.

See you guys next Monday!

              - Minion Master of Evil Chop-sticks, Steve
Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!