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Monday, November 26, 2007

Minions #91 - Having a Blast


Don't miss the latest reality programming from your Minion Master, following the usual commercial rerun...

While waiting for your impending doom, shop:
"Where all our customers are satisfied, because those are the ones we allow to live!"



(Oh, come on. You know you want to be naughty!)

Join the Minions reminder email list or we will send a presidential candidate to kiss all your babies!* It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)

*Actually, we're just going to send Minion Number Two and he's just going to bruise the little tyke's face with his gas-mask. This, however, is still better than being kissed by the candidate.)

Counting down to a new message from your Fearless (more or less) Leader:

Greetings, Blast Deflectors,

Some friendly seasonal advice here: Always remember to read and follow the operating instructions. This applies to nuclear death missiles, or Christmas lights. Just sayin'.

Hey, if you haven't seen them, I posted a few photos from my Las Vegas trip last week. Find them here.

Lots to catch up on now that I'm home (including shooting some new MaW panels, so I'll keep this short. See you back here next week.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Live From Las Vegas

Since several of you have expressed curiosity about my Las Vegas trip, a couple pictures of your Minion Master on-site.

Here I am at a shop in Caesar's Palace, checking out the latest item in the "Minions at Work" toy line. Every rug-rat needs a Minionmobile of their very own!

And here I am at the Orleans Casino auditioning a potential new cast member...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Minions #90 - Unscripted


Don't miss the latest reality programming from your Minion Master, following the usual commercial rerun...

While waiting for your impending doom, shop:
"Where all our customers are satisfied, because those are the ones we allow to live!"



(Oh, come on. You know you want to be naughty!)

Join the Minions reminder email list or we will send a presidential candidate to kiss all your babies!* It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)

*Actually, we're just going to send Minion Number Two and he's just going to bruise the little tyke's face with his gas-mask. This, however, is still better than being kissed by the candidate.)

An unscripted message from your Fearless Leader:

Uh, is this thing on? Hi, mom! Testing one, two, three,

Hoo needs ritters anyways? All thay doo is rite the skrips. Qualatay mooves and telavizion kums frum Gaud, 2 thu direkor, tu the aktor, two U. Thiss wuz inventad bi thu Frinch. Thay kall it thu "otter theery." Everbaudy nos thiz. Ritters R slitely les impourtant thn thee gye hoo dryves D-livers th pourtabl toylets tu tha lokation. Whoo kneads thym?

Orr az Nummer Won wood sae...

Sea U nxt weak.


Ha, ha! Humor! Actually, most directors are fine and wonderful folk, and their contract is coming up for renegotiation soon too. It's the management and the media corporation who are the issue here. Management. (Special note to Mr. Michael Bay. Please, please, sir, don't bring down and air-strike on my ass!)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Minions #89 - Jaws of a Dilemma


Don't miss the latest ravings of a lunatic madman, your Minion Master, following the usual commercial bite our of your wallet...

While waiting for your impending doom, shop:
"Where all our customers are satisfied, because those are the ones we allow to live!"



(Oh, come on. You know you want to be naughty!)

Join the Minions reminder email list or we will send a presidential candidate to kiss all your babies!* It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)

*Actually, we're just going to send Minion Number Two and he's just going to bruise the little tyke's face with his gas-mask. This, however, is still better than being kissed by the candidate.)

A cautionary message from your fearless leader:

Greetings, beneficiaries,

That reminds me, as (those of you in the U.S. anyway) celebrate Thanksgiving next week, remember not to bite off more than you can chew. As for your Minion Master, I'm loading up the escape pod for a quick ballistic arc over to Las Vegas, where I'll be working with my son on a new writing project. (Hey, off-season rooms are obscenely cheap, so is food, and Chris will be doing some research for a couple upcoming writing projects of her own.)

Anyway, I'll be leaving a Minions at Work cartoon set to go for you folks next week, but it may or may not go out exactly on schedule, depending on my internet access at the time.

Lets face it, a Las Vegas casino is kind of like a lair with more neon and better access to out-call escorts. Heck, it even has evil masterminds watching your every move through hidden cameras, and a plot to part the unsuspecting from their money and to get away with it Scott-free. From a villain's standpoint, you've got just got to admire the whole operation. So consider it Minions at Work research too. So, we're off.

And don't worry about Number Two folks. He's got more lives than a cockroach, and twice as much resistance to DDT. He'll be fine just as soon as they reattach his legs. And that will happen just as soon as they find them.

See you (remotely), next week.

- Steve

Monday, November 05, 2007

Minions #88 - Relative Beauty


Don't miss the latest ravings of a lunatic madman, your Minion Master, following the usual commercial misfire...

While waiting for your impending doom, shop:
"If you're not 100% satisfied, then the beatings will begin!"



(Oh, come on. You know you want to be naughty!)

Join the Minions reminder email list or we will send a presidential candidate to kiss all your babies!* It's free, it's easy, and you'll never miss a Minions at Work cartoon (or if you do, it won't be our fault!)

*Actually, we're just going to send Minion Number Two and he's just going to bruise the little tyke's face with his gas-mask. This, however, is still better than being kissed by the candidate.)

A rambling greeting from your rambling leader:

Greetings, fellow-travelers,

Do me a favor! Take a moment to click on the Web Comic List icon at the top of our sidebar, create a log-on, and choose "Minions at Work" as one of your favorite web comics! If you have a mind, you can also leave a comment while you're there. Doing so will push us up their popularity list, and hopefully bring more people to check out our site. It just takes a couple minutes, so give it a try (and maybe find some other cool web comics while you're at it).

It's another one of those weeks, where I wonder if y'all will be laughing or just scratching your heads. I thought it was funny, but I'm strange. Just in case, I've whipped up a little bonus content for you, another of our famous parody Minions magazine covers. Click on the small picture for a larger version, and enjoy. (I've got to print some of these out as mini-magazines and start using them as props for future cartoons.)

To give you some background on this week's cartoon, let me just say that I live at the beach. A really beautiful beach, in my opinion, on the Oregon coast, and having lived her for many years now I just can't imagine living anywhere else. Well, at least anywhere far from waves, sand, trees, and mountains.

Yet I do leave here sometimes. I like to travel, almost as much as I like coming home. And as I've driven across the country, I've seen many beautiful things. But I've also been many places so ugly, so unplesant, that, if they were a Wookie, you'd shave their butts and make them walk backwards.

These are the kinds of places that I can't drive through fast enough, that I can't imagine voluntarily stopping at, and God-help-me if there isn't usually somebody who apparently choses to live there!


I mean, it isn't as though there aren't plenty of better places to live, often within a few hours drive. It isn't as though there are great jobs in these places. Often I wonder what people there do at all, but when the economic base is apparent, it usually has to do with A: known carcinogens, B: horrible working conditions, C: high worker mortality, and D: low pay.

In other words, it's pretty much like being a Minion.

Is it just momentum? Are these people simply to ignorant that there's life beyond the radioactive fish-mine or the lead-paint tasting industry? No, they must see something wonderful about where they live and work. I can only figure that, as bad as their place is, they know somewhere even worse!

God help us all.

See you next week, where-ever you live,
