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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Work in Progress: Finally, Minions at Work 2.0!

Surprise! After years of inactivity caused by life events (my wife had two major surgeries with long recovery times, and we've lost two family members) and other priorities (we're still trying to write books out here!), I'm slowly coming back to "Minions at Work." But It's going to be a lot different than what we had here. Same action figures, same colorful photos, but used in a much different way.

First of all, I'm going to a (mostly, I may still do an occasional single panel, and rerun the ones I already have) multi-panel format with word balloons as well as captions. Second, while I'll still be building the complicated sets and dioramas for some panels and strips, I'll also be building up panels out of a library of elements I'll be building, characters in different poses, and shot from different camera angles. I'm working on that library of elements right now, and learning to use Manga Studio/Clip Studio, the new software I'm using to put this all together.

What you're seeing here are some of my early experiments. And as you can see, multi-panel means I have greater need to establish the OUTSIDE of some of my lairs, and thus I'm also doing model work, the first example being Cap'n Rehab's submarine celebrity rehab clinic, the "Naughtyless." I'm pretty proud of it.

There's still a crap-ton of work to do (including a complete overhaul of this site to a proper web-comic friendly software), but if you'd like to follow along, I recommend joining our Minions at Work Group on Facebook. Hope to see you there!
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