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Monday, September 27, 2010

Minions #241 - Unwritten Fine Print

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Stand by, following the usual middling-management for a bonus blab by your Minion Master!

Your interminable wait is important to us. To serve you better, a supervisor may feed the representative assigned to serve you to the carnivorous rafter-monkeys just before they can answer your call. It's just one more way of saying, "we care, just not about you."  (Management note: We were caring, just not about you, LONG before it became CBS policy.)

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Greetings, Nets over Gross!

Listen, I got nothing this week, so I'm just going to turn this over to Minion No. 1 while I go plan some world domination, or watch CSI on the DVR or something...

Minion No. 1: Um, wha--?  Okay.  Well.  Is this thing even on?

Hey, Minion No. 1 here.  I--  Listen, I got no script here or nothin'!  What the heck am I supposed to say?  Listen, I got nothin' either, so I'm just going to turn this over to Minion Number Two.

Minion Number Two: What?  Frickin' no, way!  I'm on my frickin' break!  Jeeze. Beauty of a buzz-kill.  Hey, Number 9.  Get the heck over here!

Minion Number 9: Hey, man.  What's happening?  Hey, you seen a giant robot around here?  We just had one run amok.  I hate it when they run amok.  It's a lot easier to catch them when they just mosey amok.  Stroll amok.  That's good too.  Hey, did you notice that somebody left the typograph running?  This is all going right out on the internet.  You knew that, right?  Hey, Penguin, get over here and keep an eye on this microphone while I go try and figure out how to turn it off.

Penguin: ---
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