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Monday, April 18, 2011

Minions #268 - Just Dew It!

Click Cartoon to Pop the Top on Bigness!

Greetings, Bald Spots!

Hey, you know what would make evil EVEN BETTER?  You could support Minions at Work by buying one of the fine products from

Doctor Head-in-a-jar's Nogginarium!

You can purchase a variety of custom-printed tee-shirts, buttons, mugs (our personal favorite), and other items.  Or, if this isn't your jar-of-tea, try one of our other fine Minions at Work stores:
Minions at Work's Lair of Merchandise
Number Two's House of Naughty

You can buy yourself (or give a gift of) something cool, and a bit of your purchase goes to support our efforts towards evil here at the lair.  Or you can just bypass the middleman and drop something in our tip jar through the donate button below.  We'd appreciate it.  That is, we'd appreciate it if we weren't EVIL!  Muh-hahahahah!
Support starving Minions in Lair-land! Your donations support Minions at Work!

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