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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Minons #280 - Sprung a Leak

Click on Molten Lava for Bigger Hotness!

Greetings, Molten Larva!

Yes, we're late again this week, but the above cartoon pretty much sums up how things feel here at the lair at the moment.  No, it wasn't for lack of a cartoon, because I'm set for a couple more weeks in that department, it's just that life has gotten so insane I just didn't get around to posting the cartoon I already had ready.  Summers are already crazy, we're scheduled to go on vacation in a week, and life just keeps throwing problems at us with no obvious solution.  And now I log on to post the cartoon, and discover that Blogger has changed EVERYTHING and I've got to figure out this process all over again.


There.  Got that off my chest.  If all goes well (and at this point, I'm not counting on it) I'll be posting next week from lovely Las Vegas.  If not -- oh, there will be hell to pay!

Oh, and it's time for your weekly ebook plug.  Mrs. Minion Master, Christina F. York (when she's not using one of her many aliases), has a new fantasy short-story ebook out, and it's a whole 99 cents.

The link to get it on Amazon Kindle is below.  You can also buy it on Smashwords in all major ebook formats, and it's coming soon to Nook, Sony, Kobo, Apple and all your other major ebook outlets.

Here's the blurb:
Some people think all cheerleaders are witches, which isn't really true. Except at Salem Township Public High School #4 - known to the student body as Witch High.

Regionals are coming, and Cassie wants to win. But not enough to cheat. Magic is strictly forbidden in competition, and by the coach. Still, a little magic seems to be creeping into their routines, and Cassie is worried. She prides herself on using her powers for good, and cheating isn't right.

If she can't find the hidden source of the magic before their next competition, they could be disqualified. 

Or worse, in Cassie's mind, they could not be disqualified. 

Then even if they win, they lose! 

I won't be back here next week, but hopefully you will!

                                                       - Chaos-master, Steve

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The difference between a leak and flooding?

You find a leak.

Flooding finds you...