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Monday, February 21, 2011

Minions #260 - You're Looking Good!

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Greetings, Snack-sized Fans!

Download this FREE ebook!
Hey, did you know that this weekend was the 49th anniversary of John Glenn's historic Mercury flight which made him the first American in orbit?  As you know (if you've watched "The Right Stuff" DVD about sixty times like I have) NASA pretty much tried to treat the astronauts like Minions back in those early days.  They were brave pilots, but to some of the suits, they were just "spam in a can," something those highly trained pilot/engineers had to fight every step of the way.

So, in honor of this anniversary, and its dubious Minion connection, we're doing a couple of things to celebrate.

First, we're giving you a SmashWords.com coupon for a FREE SHORT-STORY EBOOK written by Mrs. Minion Master, Christina York, featuring an alternate-world story about John Glenn.  It's called "God Speed," and it originally was published in the DAW short-story collection "Time After Time," edited by Denise Little.  Our ebook coupon is courtesy of TsunamiRidgePublishing. Download is available in formats to read on your PC, Mac, and most ebook readers and portable devices.  You can even read it on the web.

Coupon code (to be used at checkout for a 100% discount), is FH43C  Expires March 21, 2011.
Here's the Direct Link to the story on the SmashWords site.

Also, in honor of the occasion, we're presenting encore appearances of a couple of our space-themed Minions at Work cartoons!


See you all next week!

- Minion Master Blaster, Steve

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